Eye opener
Inspiration for change for the better good
Get into an active mode and gain insights into the opportunities to accelerate and increase impact. All in one day.
From insights
to impact
Many leaders wonder how they can accelerate the sustainable ambitions of their organization. At the same time, there are many uncertainties, such as a shortage of raw materials, rising energy prices and inflation. We offer a work shop that inspires your team to take a next step in this wicked world.
Realizing lasting impact requires getting a grip on tomorrow. We help ambitious leadership teams to act on the agenda of customers, employees, partners and society. Together we fine-tune the strategy and convert new insights into opportunities for impact. Because organizations that actively get to work are the winners of tomorrow.
Courageous leaders are already making it real -
and the stakes couldn't be higher"
- Paul Polman -
former CEO Unilever
Our approach
Which opportunities are available for successful sustainable change, from a commercial, financial and strategic perspective?
Which regulations will have an impact, such as the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?
What is the current sustainable impact of the organization and how can it be enhanced?
In short, this results in future scenarios with today's challenges as a starting point.
Get into an active approach and gain insights into the opportunities to accelerate and increase impact. And all in one day.
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